AMIC is the industrial consortium that offers wisconsin manufacturers the materials research, equipment and talent they need to innovate and grow their business.

The Advanced Materials Industrial Consortium gives commercial partners the opportunity to collaborate with students and faculty in advanced materials research across the UW–Madison campus. The consortium facilitates interactions through:

  • Annual Meeting and Facilities Days Open House events
  • B2B networking opportunities
    Structured networking opportunities at our events to connect with faculty in your area of interest, students/postdocs with skills in your area, colleagues in complementary fields that may have already solved your problem or can help you find  solution, or staff that help you with instrumentation or help you navigate the university’s resources and policies!
  • Early access to student and postdoctoral researchers
    AMIC events showcase the work of UW Madison student and postdoctoral researchers and give you opportunities to talk in detail about their skills and expertise. This allows targeted recruitment or consulting opportunities in a broad spectrum of areas.
  • Facilitated access to shared instrumentation
    Do you know about the board spectrum of instrumentation available for public use at UW Madison? If you don’t have the expertise, we can train you or help you with the measurement. If you aren’t sure of what  you want or need, please contact us and talk about your needs and we will point you in the right direction.
  • Sponsored research and facilities use agreements
    If you ready to explore deeper research opportunities for product/process development/optimization, exploratory materials research/informatics or some combination, talk to us and we can help you find a niche that suits your requirements.
  • Industrial Fellow Program
    Would you like to work closely with faculty, students and postdocs in a faculty lab on campus? Industrial Fellows work in an area where both the University and the company derives clear benefits from this close interaction.
  • Consulting opportunities
    Networking at our events will lead to deeper discussions about faculty/postdoc/student consulting opportunities if that fits your constraints at the moment.  Talk to us about how to take advantage of these opportunities.


  • AMIC director was with new company at the fall 2024 engineering fair.

    AMIC Established Strong Connections at the 2024 Fall Engineering Career Fair!

    The Advanced Materials Industrial Consortium (AMIC) achieved significant success in connecting with industry partners at this year’s Engineering Career Fair. This major recruitment event saw a record number of participants, providing an excellent platform for …

  • A successful visit to DRS Daylight Solutions!

    The U.S. government’s Science and Chips Act represents a significant federal investment in the semiconductor industry, promoting academic and industrial collaboration on many fronts, such as securing research funding, creating employment opportunities, and co-developing a …

  • Promega's to UW-Madison College of Engineering

    UW AMIC hosted an Introductory Visit from Promega Successfully

    It was a sweltering summer day on Monday at the UW-Madison campus, but hosting two distinguished guests with Dr. Russ Johnson from Promega was so cool. Founded in Fitchburg, Wisconsin, in 1978, the local company …

  • Seminar Series Speaker

    AMIC Lunch with Industry Seminar Series Video Recap Released

    See the video recap of the Lunch with Industry Seminar Series are semester-long series of curated seminars featuring regional companies in the Materials Science, Chemical Engineering, Semi-Conductor and other related industries. Seminar attendance is typically around 90 attendees including graduate students, postdocs, faculty and others interested in learning about area companies. Companies enjoy this extra opportunity to reach this pool of potential employees.

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Paul Bender Chemical Instrument Center