Thermo King UW-Madison Campus Visit

Hello AMIC,
For the last two days, I had the wonderful opportunity to join Sara Braas and John Garnetti from UW-Madison’s Office of Business Engagement and Russ Johnson, Director of Corporate Relations Office at the UW-Madison College of Engineering with hosting Thermo King visit to the UW-Madison Campus.

As a global enterprise leading the way to a more sustainable future, Thermo King, a subsidiary of Trane technologies, is focused on keeping transported food and perishables safe and fresh; delivering efficient and reliable small transportation solutions; heating, cooling, and automating homes and buildings; and enhancing industrial productivity. Seeking to collaborate with our College of Engineering, Daryl Van Brocklin, Thermo King’s Center of Excellence leader, led a group of six managers/engineers to our campus, and four people joined us online.

Associate Dean Oliver Schmitz welcomed our visitors, with a College of Engineering overview that highlights our students, research projects towards markets and communications, shared facilities, three flexible IP provisions, and the new engineering building plan. Then our guests had interactive discussions with our university researchers in various areas including data science & algorithms, engine research, new energy technologies & smart grid, battery research & electrification, modeling & simulation, and advanced materials & 3D printing. In between, we toured the Engine Research Center, Wisconsin Energy Institute, WEMPEC, WCNT facilities, Solar Energy Lab, and Polymer Engineering Center. We also discussed collaborative opportunities including exploring membership in UWAMIC, which I lead. On top of all the activities, I would be amiss to not mention yesterday’s dinner reception at the Wisconsin Memorial Union Terrace and a final tour of the Wisconsin Discovery Center.

The engagement with Thermo King was a great learning experience that has the potential of turning into a robust partnership with the UW-Madison College of Engineering. I want to thank our university researchers for sharing their specialties and our guests for visiting us. Together forward!