Laboratory space available for sublease and MSE student for hiring

Greeting AMIC!  

As you have repeatedly heard from us, AMIC is an MRSEC-led group of industrial and academic members created to leverage the broad spectrum of materials science resources and capabilities by:

  • Promoting communication and synergies
  • Facilitating access
  • Enhancing student experiences

With these missions in mind, we would like to share two opportunities today:

First, Platypus Technologies LLC, our long-term AMIC member, has some laboratory space available for sublease at its Fitchburg campus. It’s an excellent opportunity for a start-up or small business looking for a conducive working environment. Attached, please find the details of the available space and email Marco Bedolla if interested.  

Additionally, a recent graduate with a Master’s in Materials Science and Engineering is looking for a job at a company that can provide F1-OPT visa sponsorship. If you are a hiring manager looking for an MSE student with broad skills, including AI/MD simulations, materials synthesis, and subsequent analysis with XPS, AFM, and SEM, please email the AMIC Director so we can connect you with the student.  

Thank you in advance for your attention, and feel free to email the AMIC Director if you have any questions!